From: The Grass Grows By Itself
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Dialogue is not just talking, it is not discussing, it is not arguing, it is not a debate. A dialogue has a different quality. A dialogue is the meeting of two beings, meeting in love, trying to understand each other. Not trying to argue, not trying to discuss - just a very sympathetic attitude. Dialogue is participating in the being of the other: two friends or two lovers talking with no antagonism inside, with no effort to prove you right,and the other wrong.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
A poet is very courageous. To live with the heart takes the deepest courage. The word"courage" is very interesting. It comes from a Latin root "cor", which means the heart. The word courage comes from the root "cor". Cor means the heart - so to be courageous means to live with the heart.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
If poetry does not lead you to meditation, it is not poetry. At the most, it may be a clever composition of words, but there will be no poetry in it. You may be a good linguist, a good composer, a good grammarian, one who knows all the rules about how to write poetry, but you are not a poet - because poetry in its deepest core is meditative.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
A wise man starts feeling more and more ignorant, only fools gather a few things from here and there, and start thinking that they know. Only fools are knowers, claimers of knowledge.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
Death is possible to the ego, to the self. How can death happen to the no-self? All the enlightened people through the ages have been saying only one thing: Die to the ego so that you can attain to the eternal. Let the ego die, then there will be no death for you, you become deathless.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
His longing was the barrier. So, one has to long first, and one has to strive, and one has to make all the efforts, and one has to roam, and seek and enquire, and one has to do whatsoever one can do, and then, one has to drop all.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
This is the meaning of conversion: turn back, move towards the source. The outer has finished, the inner is there: now move inwards.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
I have never seen anybody who lives in doubt. He may call himself a skeptic: no, skepticism is his belief. He may call himself an atheist - I don't believe in God - but he believes in his non-belief. And he believes as arrogantly as any theist; and he is as ready to defend his belief as any theist is ready to argue, to prove. Nobody can live in doubt.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
A Buddha is pure like an animal, simple like an animal. The animal has its innocence because of ignorance, and Buddha has his innocence because of his enlightened awareness.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
The more you become alert, the more the unconscious becomes conscious. That is the only way. If you remain more alert, if you walk with awareness, if you talk, listen, with awareness, if you eat, take your bath, with awareness, not like a robot, not walking in sleep and doing things, or doing things and thinking about other things - that too is a sort of sleep - no, if consciously, mindfully, you do your thing, chunks of the unconscious are being transformed into consciousness, and by and by, more and more of your iceberg comes out of the water of darkness, out of the ocean.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
And if you are really sincere, even that is not needed. If you are sincere, those who can help will seek you, if you are insincere, you will seek those who can harm. That is the difference. When a disciple seeks a master, there is almost always going to be something wrong. When a master seeks a disciple, only then something authentic is going to happen.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
A man of truth cannot be deceived. A man who lives in truth cannot become a victim of liars. Only a liar can be deceived by another liar; otherwise there is no possibility.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
Belief makes you a Hindu, Mohammedan,Christian. Belief has names, millions of names; there are thousands of beliefs - you can choose. Trust has only one quality: the quality of surrender into the whole; the quality of moving in accord with the whole; the quality of not forcing the whole to follow you, but simply allowing yourself to move with the whole. Trust is a transformation; trust has to be attained;
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
Life is a mystery. The more you understand it, the more mysterious it becomes. The more you know, the less you feel that you know. The more you become aware of the depth, the infinite depth, the more it becomes almost impossible to say anything about it. Hence silence. A man who knows remains in such awe, such infinite wonderment that even breathing stops.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
The dream of your being separate is the ego, and the ego creates conflict. Through conflicts you dissipate and die. Through conflicts you are miserable. Through conflicts you lose all that was possible for you. Every moment the benediction is possible; every moment the ecstasy is possible, but you miss. You miss because you are a fighter.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
Be in accord with the whole, move with the whole, with the river. Don't even swim. People try to swim against the current, and then they are defeated. Don't even swim. Can't you float? Can't you just allow the river to take you? Allow the river. You just move with it - relax with the river of life and let it move you. It reaches the ocean, you need not bother.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
Taoists and Zen people have always joked about Confucius. Because Confucius to them is the pinnacle of the legal mind. Confucius is the very paragon of ego - subtle, polished, cultured. The whole Confucius philosophy is how to polish your ego in such a way that you retain it without being in conflict with others. That's what a cultured man is. A cultured man is not humble, no never; a cultured man is a very subtle egoist. He is very cunning, clever. He will not bring his ego into any relationship, he will hide it, and he will try to show that he is very humble. He will smile and bow down, and you can see well that this is just diplomatic.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
Eddington, in 1930, said that we were in search of matter, but now all new insight into matter shows that there is no matter, it looks more and more like a thought and less and less like a thing. Suddenly the insight of Buddha became very, very significant again, because Buddha did the same with human matter, the human stuff. Physicists were trying to penetrate matter in an objective way to find out what was there inside it, and they found nothing. Total emptiness. And the same was discovered by Buddha in his inner journey.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
If you want to follow the path of meditation, become empty. Don't bother about love - it will come of its own accord. Or, if you find it very difficult to meditate, then love, then become a lover, and meditations and emptiness’s will follow you
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
The grass grows by itself, just like breathing. It grows of its own accord; you are not the doer. But the ego avoids looking at such facts. The ego looks only at things which you can do. It chooses, accumulates things which can be done, and it avoids, throws into the unconscious,those things which happen. The ego is very choosey. It doesn't look at life in its totality.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
Really, waiting patiently is the best use of time. All else may be wasted but waiting is not, because waiting is prayer, waiting is meditation, waiting is all. Everything happens through it.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
And how can you be a total if you ask a question? If you are aggressive, you cannot be total. A totality is always silent; there is no conflict within. That's why you cannot be in conflict without. Totality is serene and tranquil and collected. It is a deep togetherness.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
Science may force nature to give a few facts - but the truth? No. Science will never be able to know the truth. At the most, robbers, aggressive, violent people, can snatch away a few facts. That's all. And those facts will be of the surface. The innermost center will remain veiled for them because to reach the innermost, violence is not to be used - cannot be used.The innermost center must invite you, only then can you enter there. Uninvited, there is noway. As a guest, invited, you enter into the inner shrine.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
The search for truth is not an active search, it is a deep passivity - in your deep passivity you will receive. But if you become too active and concerned, you will miss.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: The Grass Grows By Itself
You live life in its totality; you live it, as wholly as possible. And the more whole you are, the more holy you will become. The quality of sacredness comes when one lives courageously without fear, without hope, without desire. One simply slips from one moment to another, completely fresh and new.
words by Osho
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